It is time for a robust and coordinated response from the Federal, State, and local level to ensure that immigrants and asylum seekers thrive in Chicago and Illinois


It is time for a robust and coordinated response from the Federal, State, and local level to ensure that immigrants and asylum seekers thrive in Chicago and Illinois.


How to Donate

Resources and Workshop Sign-up

For Volunteers

Chicago and Illinois Welcome with Dignity

Our Platform


Welcome Asylum Seekers

    • Incorporate asylum seekers into the refugee support system (outside of DHS)
    • Coordinate asylum seeker arrivals with local and state governments

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

    • Provide funding for immediate and intermediate shelter as well as transportation to final destinations
    • Extend “parole” for asylum-seekers from three months to one year and facilitate expedited work permits for asylum seeker arrivals and those paroled into the United States
    • Push “sending” state governments to ensure that people give informed consent before boarding buses and are provided with adequate food and medical care during travel
    • Transport asylum seekers to border-region shelters and other community-based housing in a manner coordinated with providers
    • Notices to Appear should be filled out with addresses that correspond to the individual’s destination. DHS must give clear instructions on these documents and processes in the asylum seeker’s best language

Investigate Federal Civil Rights violations

    • The Department of Justice should investigate, and litigate as appropriate, allegations that some state authorities have violated federal civil rights law by forcibly busing asylum seekers

Congress must:

    • Pass appropriations to provide case support services and legal representation to asylum seekers
    • Defund harmful and costly ICE ankle bracelets that currently cost the government over $300,000 per day
    • Pass The U.S. Citizenship Act (H.R. 1177/S. 348)


Fund Legal Education and Legal Representation

    • It is critical that individuals understand their rights, responsibilities and legal options as they arrive
    • Funding is necessary to support immigration legal agencies with the linguistic and legal expertise to provide legal orientations; conduct legal screenings; assist with address changes with federal government agencies such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR); and accept cases for individuals with relief options

Expand the Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults (HBIA) program to all ages

    Fund Welcoming Centers and Immigrant Social Service Organizations to provide wraparound services

    Provide long-term housing assistance

    Fund the expansion of proven parent leadership and immigrant integration programs such as the Parent Mentor Program

    Fund pipeline programs for bilingual staff for all education positions – teacher, paraprofessional, SECA, out-of-school time, and early childhood education

    Allow emergency paraprofessional licensure for bilingual job seekers who are working towards 60 credits or WorkKeys passage

    Fund additional mental health staff at welcoming schools


    Fund Immigrant Community Organizations to coordinate a sustainable Rapid Response Network

    Fund Immigrant Social Service Organizations to provide wraparound services

    Provide long-term housing assistance

    Provide vaccination opportunities

    Link families with early childhood centers

    Hire additional school counselors and social workers

    Fund pipeline programs for bilingual staff for all education positions – teacher, paraprofessional, SECA, out of school time, and early childhood education

    Fund additional mental health staff at welcoming schools

    Volunteer Shifts

    How to Donate

    The Resurrection Project:

    Interfaith Community for Detained Immigrants:
    Texas Buses Emergency Response Fund

    HANA Center:

    Instituto del Progreso Latino:
    Amazon Wish List

    Rincon Family Services:

    Cook County Health:
    Amazon Wish List

    Pilsen Food Pantry:

    The Mobile Migrant Health Team:

    Nourishing Hope (formerly Lakeview Pantry):

    New Life Centers – Welcome Hope Fund:

    Home Away from Home Center – Concord Missionary Baptist Church:

    Amazon Wish List

    For Volunteers

    Sign up to volunteer at upcoming Immigration Workshops:
    Immigration Workshop Volunteer Signup

    Resources for providers & volunteers supporting new arrivals:
    Welcome to IL Google Drive